Saturday, January 29, 2022

Reflections on The Fabric of Family Taditions

 I’ve always made window curtains, not sure why, its not a past tradition in my family that I'm aware of, however my grandmothers were certain to have made curtains for their homes. This curtain fabric, which was for a costume actually, I ordered from a very wonderful and reasonable cloth making company in Varanasi, India. I remember corresponding by email with the owner who was so kind.  It arrived in a cloth wrapping like many packages sent from India instead of a box or paper. The burgundy ties are remnants of garlands I bought in the Hadar or market place in the city of Haifa, Israel. I was visiting my daughter who was serving at the Baha'i World Center at the time. The dragonfly and hummingbird attached on either side of the curtain panels are anniversary gifts from years ago. I save fabric from the various things I have made over the years including all of the baby blankets I have made for my grand children and grand nieces and nephews. My grandmother, Dee Dee Mom, saved fabric to make quilts for her family and for her grandchildren. She was a true quilter. I used to stand with her in her living room along the quilt blocking posts where the quilts were hung from, helping her tie off her latest quilt when I would have sleep overs at her house

So...there is actually tradition that I somehow now re4cognize nad have rediscovered.This photo has helped me remember a precious family tradition.

 Photo taken by Chuck of our 924 South 11th Street kitchen window.

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