Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Another Snow Day in Sudden Valley

Wakig up to a few more inches of snow this morning. The temp is 23 degrees fahrenheit and -5 celsius. We are running low on a few things so I made an order last night for a grocery delivery this afternoon. Hoping some thawing may occur so it would not be too difficult for the driver. At our age we are not able to dig out the snow around our car, therefore driving is not possible. The snow plows have been out for a few days now taking care of the roads in our little mountain community. We are bewteen Stewart mountain and Galbrath or Lookout mountain, and along Whatcom lake and Lake Louise. Temperatures are suppose to remain in the low 20's and high in the mid 30's for the next 10 days or so, with more off and on snow patterns. I have two weather apps and a very good Whatom county resource on fb to keep us updated on the weather.

I periodically was recieving text messages that our order was in process, our order was completed, our order was on the way, and finally our order was near for delivery. I went out and opened the gate and then stayed at the kitchen window watching for the driver. It's compicated to find these condominiums and the GPS does not do an adequate job of finding us either. This has been our experiene since the first day we tried to find our way here and from many who have visited. I saw the driver stopped on the road and it looked like he was confused. I went out and waved him on into the driveway, just barely able to stop him. He stopped at the side of the road and not down into the driveway. he did not have appropriate shoes for walking in the snow. I was feeling guilty and grateful at the same time. He started walking down the driveway and kindly sat the groceries on the edge of the driveway, with my encouragement, so to be safe. I thanked him several times. He was very kind and waved and was off on his way. Then I went to get Chuck to bring the groceries in from the snow packed driveway where walking was not possible for me yet.

The other thing that happened this morning as I was heading to the shower, Chuck hollered out from his study to, "come here and see something if you can". I went to see what he needed, thinking there was a massive leak in the ceiling from heavy snow or something tramatic like that, and out his study window was a raccoon going under the condominium next door and then another followed. We often see this group of four raccoons in the neighborhood. We have speculated they live under one cono or another.

Such are the happenings of the day so far. As I pop in to read about the catastrophies of the day this new administration is accomplishing, as it inflicts terror in the lives of those with any common since at all to get what's going on so far and in just barely three weeks time. My self care plan is stabilizing my anxiety with thoughts of decluttering my study, but mostly cooking, eating, writng and taking photos of the snow from inside. I can't go for actual walks outside yet because of my fractured ankle, especially in the snow. So conversation with my husband. Television in the evening has been rewatching "Folyes War" a great BBC sitcom that we love, with actor Michael Kitchen, as a police officer, and his crew solving murders, dealing with the German Natzi regime, etc., during the time of WWII. I spend time daily communicating with our family and friends on either text, phone and or zoom. Sleep is very erratic these days. Thank goodness for my lavender oil and valerian. I didn't get to the persimmon cookies yeaterday, however the large batch of granola I made yesterday turned out delicious, as attested by my husband!

I am continuing to really enjoy Anne Lamott's book, "bird by Bird". If you're interested, study the works of Anne Applebaum, a Polish and American citizen. She is a journalist and historian. Her book titled, "Autocracy Inc. The Dictators Who Run the World" is a must read and very informative. As is any interviews you can find with her sharing her knowledge and expertise. According to an article I read at fivebooks.com, "Anne Applebaum is a historian and a staff writer at the Atlantic. She is also a Senior Fellow at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and the Agora Institute, where she co-directs Arena, a program on disinformation and 21st-century propaganda. She specializes in Eastern Europe and Russia. Anne Applebaum’s books have won a number of prestigious prizes and feature on many Five Books reading lists".

Here is a link to an interview with her from NPR July of 2024. I listend to this in the car coming home from taking my grandsons on a summer outing.


Raccoon sighting photos are courtesey of Chuck Britt.

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