Friday, May 10, 2024

The Light at Our Door

New mothers, mothers in delight, mothers missing their own, yearning a loss beyond words.

Grandmother’s heavy load with feelings of sorrow untold. Mother’s gone before us.

Those who are childless mothering the ever constant needs of humanity through birthing yourselves with your timeless gifts to the world.

We are here.

With deep joy for all of our children, each and every one.

We hold heartbreak, unmistakable in its rage. Yet we hold no regret.

We smile eternal at the memories and blessings that we hold in our hearts for our dear ones.

We are mothers holding Light for our sacred ones, wherever they might be...whether far off and away or traveling with the stars.

We know you, we feel your presence deep and close by and listen to your precious messages with our hearts.

Whether close enough to touch and to laugh and hold or at the distance of a day.

Our love for our children is never a burden, and yet we might feel burdened, while in our hearts we are never alone.

We carry you always, even when we know it’s time to let you go.

Our children, all children, are gifts of wisdom that grows within us each and every one.

Lifting us, teaching us, honoring us with each step taken along the way.

Each door that’s opened, each road traveled, each heartbreak you hold, each victory that unfolds,

our hearts carry abundant joy and love beyond measure flowing eternal, an endless treasure.

Photo taken 5/7/2024.