Friday, December 29, 2017

On this day to my family, I honor my mother, my elders, my ancestors.

Two photos here. The first is with me and my mother and my mother's beautiful and first great grand daughter, Emma. I appreciate the photo because of the strength I experienced all of my life from my mother. Taken about 18 years ago, we were at a family picnic at Bowman's Bay in Anacortes. I am deeply aware of how much our family misses my mother since her passing December 25th, just two years ago. My mother is the rock in our family and will ever remain so, and here in this photo the love is felt and beautiful memories of her strength, wisdom and love are held tightly.

Mom's grand parents and the parents of her father, Edwin (Sonny) Kolhs are in the second photo. Edward Kolhs, born December 25, 1879, Pommer, Scheawig-Holstein, Germany. Passed over November 26, 1958 in his home in Fruita, Colorado. Emilie Alvina Kasch-Kolhs, and whom I named our daughter after, was born October 25, 1881, in Schoenberg, Germany. She passed over July 7, 1980 in Fruita, Colorado. I would like to thank my beloved father at this time for his tireless and incredible life long work of maintaining our family photos and our family tree.

My wish for you my family, now as this 2017 year ends and in memory of my mother, is that you each hold onto the dear ones in your life. Continue to create lasting memories built on respect for the all knowing forces love brings and hold tight the ever present power behind the morning light of God's grace.

"Peace... comes within the souls of men when they realize their relationship, their oneness, with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the Universe dwells Wakan-Tanka, and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us."
-- Black Elk (Hehaka Sapa) OGLALA SIOUX

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Winter Solstice

Fog and Ice
I took this photo the morning of December 11, 2017. The roads that morning were very icy, and the fog was often difficult to see through. I could feel the car slipping a few times and was feeling blessed to have made it safely to my destination for the day.  The sun was so striking, glaring at me as it shone through the clouds. I put my gear down that I had gathered from the car to take into my office, and tried to capture the beauty in and around the fog and ice with my camera.

As I reflect on this year as it comes to an end, this image somehow describes the varying degrees of experiences I have had over the year. Sometimes not able to see clearly through the difficulties in front of me and sometimes slipping and sliding through the varying situations occurring in my life.

Each and every day I rise in prayer and meditation, which is a habit I have developed over many years, beginning from when I was a child seeking spiritual guidance. I have come to understand the importance of prayer in my life. Prayer and meditation brings me stillness within the Fog and Ice of my life and gives me the guidance needed for my walk.

 I am grateful for what this year has shown me as I reflect on the joys and hold up the sorrows I know we each must walk through. May you receive many blessing this coming year. May you be guided in a good way as we each enter and celebrate this Winter Solstice which is upon us. With gratitude for my life with my husband, my family, the dear friends in my life, I raise my hands in prayer to you.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Creative Will and Healing

Developing a path of healing on all levels of spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical development is a process of understanding creative will (free will) as it relates to learning and practicing self care, well enough, to choose plans based on feelings and needs that will create experiences leading to joy and safety and the magic of creativity, moment by moment. This writing is an attempt to share my insights learned from my life experiences both educational and personal, sharing what I have learned from the mentors who guide me. My mentors include my family and ancestors, as well as gifted authors, educators and individuals I've been blessed to have crossed my path. Part One: create a list of what you think you need to be doing for yourself, which is what your gut or intuition is telling you, and you know you need to be doing, but you aren’t. Part Two: Create a list of what brings you calm, positive experiences that you know provide you safety, joy and calm. Addressing these lists with self care steps will guide and support your spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical development. Healing and development is a life long journey. Its a gift to yourself, your family and community and the world. It is your journey. Erik Erickson and his witing on stages of human development can be a helpful tool to grasp the principles of life long learning.

 part Three: Insight Tools: At we believe the "Five Step Self Time Out" tools support a reflective process of intentional mental, emotional and spiritual and physical development through the awareness and understanding of our free will or creative will to choose. Through reflection I can choose to intentionally become more aware of my feelings and needs, and the inner discomfort and contradictions stored in my body. When, through language, I am able to identify, label and process my feelings and needs, I am choosing to practice self care with intentional, gentle, tender, love. I can choose to notice and interrupt my inner contradictions and the discomforts I am feeling in my body. I can choose to stop worrying, or blaming or shaming myself and others.  The goal is to notice and interrupt the dual thinking, the discomfort of contradictions, and replace the discomfort with the practice of gently affirming myself with positive, kind, affirming thoughts and actions. When I practice affirming myself, I am building healthy internal boundaries. I am creating a conscious pathway to my development through my free will to build my creative life joyfully and compassionately.

The Third Way: Consistency of Creative Will. The management of choice. The balance of mind and heart and the free will to choose. When we practice self care tools over a period of time the process of managing the emotional self (our free will) will open up an awareness of the inner contradictions, i.e. the energy around feelings of irritation, anger, fear, hate, etc., and all of the negative "stuff" that keeps us stuck and leads us to impulsive reactions, decisions and behaviors. The practice of the "Five Step Self Time Out" tools naturally includes the process of noticing, interrupting and replacing the inner contradictions created by negative self talk. We can choose to notice these insights in our behaviors towards ourselves and others. The more we become conscious of our actions through our own "creative free will" the more pathways to health we will be creating. As I choose to notice, interrupt, and replace the discomfort I am feeling in my body with a plan based on choices of healthy gentle care of myself, I create a deeper calm, safe, and joyful place within. As I choose to create a deeper calm, safe, joyful place within, I am reducing the dual thinking of contradictions, while increasing a congruent consistency and management of my free will, my creative will. As I move closer to my true creative self, I move ever more closer to connecting to the wholeness and gifts of the "Creative Will of the Universe." Both Refection and Meditation are the foundation of my free will and tapping into the insights of the consciousness, my connection to my spirtual, emotional, mental and physical development.

"Some things are subject to the free will of man, such as justice, equity, tyranny and injustice, in other words, good and evil actions; it is evident and clear that these actions are, for the most part, left to the will of man. But there are certain things to which man is forced and compelled, such as sleep, death, sickness, decline of power, injuries and misfortunes; these are not subject to the will of man, and he is not responsible for them, for he is compelled to endure them. But in the choice of good and bad actions he is free, and he commits them according to his own will." From the Baha'i Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Some Answered Questions, p 248

Saturday, March 11, 2017

What's happening in 2017

This year 2017, I completed my EMDR certification training in February, this took about eighteen months. This summer in June I have been invited to attend the American Indian Psychologist Association annual gathering. I have been researching the area where this has been held for the last thirty years and talking to other therapists who have attended in the past. I am waffling with trepidation as I will travel to a remote area in the mountains of Utah, 7000 feet elevation. We will stay in tents and participate in mountain horseback riding and camp for a couple of days as part of the experience, before heading on back down to the University of Utah for the three day conference. I have updated here after the trip with a photo of myself and dear friend and colleague Darlene. We had a wonderful trip to Utah. The experience of meeting so many folks from around the country serving Native Americans was humbling. It was an honor to be a partticipant.
So looking back I have had other experiences similar tho the Utah trip related to my educational goals. I camped on the beach in Santa Barbara when I went to the University of Santa Barbara in August of 1976 for three weeks to complete my Montessori practicum. This was required for my certification. I had rented a small apartment however I decided to not stay there and chose instead to join a colleague and share camping space on the beach close to the university.

At that time I was a young mother and on a mission to teach my children all I could learn so they would enter school with a firm foundation. This new invitation will take me to Utah and is bringing up memories of my adventures of traveling to Santa Barbara the summer of 1976. I drove with my young children from Anacortes, Washington to Central California where my parents lived at the time. They had bought property and were living in a small town called Orosi. The property had five acres of orange trees, Valencia oranges. My father was working to establish his home building and construction business. My children stayed there on the "farm" as we all called it, with their grandparents, while I traveled on to Santa Barbara University to complete my three week practicum. As part of our travels we left Anacortes and headed to the tip of Washington to visit the Makah Indian reservation and attend the Baha'i Faith Spiritual Gathering held annually there. We then drove along the coast and headed to my folks place. Here is a web site for the Baha'i friends in Neah Bay.  I have since traveled to Neah Bay with my daughter and with my husband.

When I returned from California in the late summer of 1976,  I was hired to teach in the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community Head Start program. From that experience a long road of stories are still occurring today. I am just beginning to understand their purpose as I unwind and share the experiences from that point in my life to this. I continued my education and received my Masters Degree in Human Development with three specializations in child development and parent community work at Pacific Oaks College.

The painting is one I love very much and was used as the logo for my school, Children's House Child Development Center.  After completing my Montessori Certification, and working for Swinomish  Head Start program, I became ill mid year with pneumonia and did not complete the school year. I soon began caring for children in my home to be with my own young children. After several years I created the school and owned and operated the program for more than fifteen years. During that time I was asked to help develop the Samish Longhouse Preschool Program and worked for the Samish Nation from 1990 through 1996.
Swedish Artist, Elsa Beskow 1874-1953